Global Trends and Development Opportunities in Regional ADAS and Smart Cockpit Chip Supply Chains (pre-order)
July 31, 2024 / James Gu
14 Page, Topical Report
US$1,400 (Single User License)
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With the growing popularity of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and smart cockpits, manufacturers with strengths in information and communication technology (ICT) and semiconductor sectors, such as Taiwanese companies, are well-positioned to enter the automotive electronics supply chain. This focus on ADAS and smart cockpit applications drives the evolution of future automotive technologies and the global automotive supply chain strategy. This report analyzes the demand for automotive chips in ADAS and smart cockpits through global trends and major company case studies. It also examines the current deployment of Taiwanese manufacturers in the ADAS and smart cockpit supply chains across Europe, the United States, Japan, and China, to explore potential opportunities and challenges for chipmakers in this field.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Figures
  •  List of Tables
  •  Companies covered
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