Acer announced plans to set a strong foothold in India's PC and smartphone markets, reported Commercial Times on July 20. The company aims to boost its overall PC market share to over 12.5% by next fiscal year (beginning from April 2016). For consumer PCs, Acer will open 100 additional retail stores and focus on gaming PCs, whose sales had jumped from 10% to over 25% in India over the past year. For enterprise PCs, Acer expects to grab 22% of government tenders and 25% of the financial sector by next fiscal year. Besides, Acer has cooperated with India-based e-commerce platform Snapdeal to sell mid-range products.
Meanwhile, ASUS is reportedly to hold the Zen Festival promotional event in India in August, expecting to unveil new smartphones from entry-level to flagship. ASUS made inroads into the Indian smartphone market in July las year, setting a company record by selling 700,000 to 800,000 ZenFones in two quarters.