Outlook for the Worldwide Digital Still Camera Industry in 2010 and Beyond
January 14, 2010 / Nicky Tseng
13 Page, Topical Report
US$1,720 (Single User License)


With key markets such as Europe, the United States, and Japan reaching saturation, and the economic downturn as a result of the global financial crisis, worldwide digital still camera shipment volume declined for the first time in 2009. Stimulated by the economic rebound and by demand in emerging markets, worldwide shipment volume in 2010 is expected to return to 2008 levels. This report analyzes the current and future development of the worldwide digital still camera industry, including key value chain segments and end-market product trends. The report also provides shipment volume forecasts for the worldwide and Taiwanese digital still camera industries for the period 2010-2014.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Topics
  •  List of Figures
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