Presents current status of the Chinese mobile phone industry; analyzes Chinese leading mobile phone design houses' development and future strategies, including Techfaith, STG, and Longcheer, investigates future trends in the mobile phone design industry.
‧Chinese Mobile Phone Design Industry Development
‧Future Trends
‧MIC Perspective
Alcatel, Amoi, Aux, Baidu, Bird, BYD, China Electronics Corporation (CEC), CEC Telecom (CECT), CEC Wireless, Changhong, China Mobile, Chiva, Datang Mobile, Desay, Foxlink, Gionee, Gome, GT Mobile, Haier, Haier, Hutchison, Huadingli Technology, Huawei Technologies, Kejian, Kineto Wireless, Konka, Lenovo, LG, Longcheer, Longcheer Technology, Longsung Technology, MediaTek, MTK, NEC, Nokia, NXP, Panda, Philips, Phonetech, Puan, Sanyo, SavaJe Technologies, Shanda, Shanghai BaseCom Limited, Shanghai Jin Ling, Shanghai Longcheer, Simcom, SIM Technology Group (STG), Sinolong Technology, Solectron, Soutec, Spreadtrum, STG, Suning, Suzhou RayVal, TCL, Techfaith, TIM, UTSI, UT Starcom, ZTE