The Greater Chinese Notebook PC Industry, 1Q 2002 and Beyond
June 05, 2002 / Charles Chou / Wen-tang Chen / Cynthia Chyn / James W. Murphy
0 Page, Statistics Report
US$1,400 (Single User License)


The first quarter of 2002 witnessed tremendous year-on-year growth in shipment volume of notebook PCs in Greater China, fueled in part by a record low in ASP and surging popularity of lower-priced models. Desktop solutions notebooks continued to be successful, enticing first tier makers to begin production in this newer product segment. The first quarter was also characterized by increased movement of Taiwanese manufacturing to China. In addition to a review of the Greater Chinese notebook PC industry in the first quarter of 2002, this report will examine the motivators behind the above trends, as well as discuss the higher degree of separation between electronic manufacturing service providers and own-brand businesses. Finally, MIC will supply an in-depth assessment of Taiwanese manufacturers' activity in China and forecasts for the remainder of 2002.
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The Greater Chinese Notebook PC Industry in 2Q 2002


With signs of recovery present in the first quarter of 2002, market demand will likely make a comeback. Once the market warms up in the second quarter, the shrinking price gap between notebook PCs and desktop PCs will stimulate a higher ratio of desktop replacement, giving notebooks further room for growth. The Greater Chinese notebook PC industry production volume will increase 27.7% year-on-year, reaching 4.3 million units, in the second quarter of 2002. Due to falling ASP, second quarter production value will only rise 11.9% to US$3.3 billion.


Greater Chinese Notebook PC Industry in 2H 2002


In the second half of 2002, the rising prices of LCD panels, RAM, and other key components, and wide scale replacement of the P3-M by the P4-M, will halt the fall of ASP. This development makes the degree of customer demand quite unclear. Also, with large PC manufacturers clearing out their inventories, shipment volume will increase 7.7% year-on-year to 8.5 million units in the second half of 2002, while production value will decrease 7.8% to US$6.1 billion. For the entire year of 2002, shipment volume will grow 20%, production value will edge up 6%, while ASP will shrink by 12%.

Desktop Solutions Notebook PC


The success of desktop solution notebooks hinges on faster development of desktop CPU and a lower price. After Intel lowers the price of the P4-M, consumers may opt for notebooks with mobile CPUs rather than desktop solutions models. However, the DeskNote will be better able to compete with traditional notebooks than other desktop solution notebooks because it is cheaper.

For brand-name notebook PC companies, production of desktop solution notebooks and DeskNotes holds low profit margins. In addition to cost and performance, brand-name manufacturers?willingness to produce these models will be a key factor in the long-term development of this notebook concept.


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