Computing - Server
Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Server Industry, 3Q 2005
July 21, 2005 / Sagitta Pan
8 Page, Statistics Report


In the second quarter of 2005, the Taiwanese server industry failed to sustain the growth momentum recorded in the first quarter; shipments only grew by16% year-on-year, to 596,000 units. Although 1.5% sequential shipment growth was registered, the figure was lower than the expected 2%. As Dell outsources mostly its barebone production, Dell's quickened growth this quarter significantly boosted Taiwanese barebone shipments. This impacted positively on the overall shipment volume, yet exerted downward pressure on the second quarter ASP (Average Selling Price) and shipment value. Continued growth in shipment volume, however, managed to pump up the quarter's shipment value by 16% year-on-year, although declining 1.6% sequentially, to reach US$502 million.
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