The Greater Chinese Netbook PC Industry, 4Q 2010
December 07, 2010 / Brian Chen
23 Page, Statistics Report
US$2,200 (Single User License)


This research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Greater Chinese netbook PC industry. The report includes shipment volume and value, ASP, manufacturer volume ranking, and shipment breakdowns by tier, maker, customer, shipment destinations, production locations, business type and product mix. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with netbook PC makers. The report finds that the industry's shipment volume and value both saw a year-on-year decline in the third quarter of 2010. It is anticipated that the industry's shipment volume and value will continue to experience year-on-year growth declines in the fourth quarter of 2010. Shipment volume of the netbook PC industry has witnessed sequential declines in three consecutive quarters, the first time since the debut of netbook PCs at the year-end of 2007. Nevertheless, shipment volume and value are projected to pick up in the fourth quarter of 2010 due to peak-season demand.
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