The Greater Chinese Notebook PC Industry, 2005 and Beyond
May 15, 2006 / Albert Chen
13 Page, Topical Report
US$1,420 (Single User License)


The global notebook PC market has experienced annual growth of over 20% in recent years, and in 2005 the global market scale reached 59.4 million units, representing 28.8% annual growth. Factors contributing to this growth were increased adoption of wireless functionalities, the closing gap between desktop and notebook PCs in terms of performance, and value-line strategies by major vendors, including HP, Dell, and Acer. Benefiting from major brands' orders, shipment volume of the Greater Chinese notebook PC industry accounted for more than 80% of the global market in 2005. This report will look at changes which have occurred in the industry in the last few years, provide a recap of 2005, and analyze the development of the Greater Chinese notebook PC industry in 2006.
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