Development of Worldwide Automotive Lidar and Its Major Players In 2018
February 15, 2019 / Joen Yang
18 Page, Topical Report
US$1,800 (Single User License)


LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has been widely used in satellite systems, geographic information systems, and industrial applications. In recent years, LiDAR systems for autonomous navigation have attracted huge investments from carmakers, automotive electronics vendors, hedge fund companies, and IT firms due to significant improvements in the weight and size of the systems. Some LiDAR startups have been able to raise more money between US$ 1 million and US$100 million, indicating the importance of LiDAR in autonomous vehicles and its impact on the industry. This report analyzes the development of automotive LiDAR technologies and leading players, mainly Velodyne, Ibeo, Quanergy, and Luminar.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Topics
  •  List of Figures
  •  List of Tables
  •  Companies covered
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