Development of the Taiwanese Industrial PC Industry in 2024 and Beyond (pre-order)
August 20, 2024 / Chih Chieh Yang
11 Page, Topical Report
US$1,200 (Single User License)
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In 2023, Taiwan's industrial computer industry experienced a year-over-year shipment value decline of 5.1%. This contraction was primarily driven by the global economic downturn, the impact of inflation on European and American markets, and the subsequent slowdown in both end-consumer demand and manufacturing expansion. Additionally, China’s slow recovery and emerging deflation further affected shipment performance in several key markets for industrial computers. This report provides an overview of the industry's development in Taiwan, examines the strategies of major players including Ennoconn, Advantech, DFI, and ADLink, and explores the industry's outlook for 2024 and beyond.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Figures
  •  List of Tables
  •  Companies covered
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