Development of JCET and Its Deployment Strategies (pre-order)
January 14, 2021 / Angela Huang
20 Page, Topical Report
US$1,600 (Single User License)
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Since its acquisition of Singaporean STATS ChipPac in 2015, Chinese JCET (Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology) has become the world’s third largest OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) service provider. Over the years, JCET has continued to conduct M&A and joint venture projects with the government’s support to rapidly expand its technology competencies and business as the Chinese government has put in place a series of polices and provided funds to achieve semiconductor self-sufficiency. This report looks into JCET’s current status and strategies, sheds lights on major opportunities and challenges facing the company, and explores the future development of the industry.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Topics
  •  List of Figures
  •  List of Tables
  •  Companies covered
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