Taiwan Manufacturing Industry: IT Spending on Information Security in 2022
August 10, 2022 / Catherine Hung / Shihyu(Alex) Chu
16 Page, Topical Report
US$800 (Single User License)


Thanks to the rapid advances in information and communications technologies, companies in Taiwan have adopted a wide variety of hardware, software, and services to support daily business operations, planning to boost their IT (Information Technology) spending in 2022. They continue to increase IT budgets to integrate existing systems and resources more effectively, thereby reducing operating costs and improving overall productivity. Taiwan's MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) conducted surveys in late 2021 with an aim to present estimates of IT spending in five major industries in Taiwan, including manufacturing, construction, finance, retail, and healthcare. The findings are based on data from MIC's IT Spending Survey conducted in late 2021. Hundreds of IT companies in Taiwan were asked a series of questions about their IT spending patterns, habits, and plans. This report consolidates survey data on information security spending across four sub-industries of the manufacturing industry, including livelihood, chemistry, metal & machinery, and information & electronic; provides spending forecasts for 2022 to help the stakeholders gain a better understanding of changes in information security over the years.
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