Baidu Conversational AI System: Patent Deployment Trends and Strategies (Pre-order)
March 19, 2019 / David Chen
19 Page, Topical Report
US$1,600 (Single User License)


Baidu has been actively investing in AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and application development in recent years to help the company get one step closer to its goal of "All in AI". In 2017, DuerOS, Baidu's conversational operating system, was launched to provide voice recognition and conversational solutions for IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Through cooperation with Qualcomm, NVidia, and Intel, Baidu strives to promote widespread adoption of DuerOS in smart devices such as smartphones, networked devices, and autonomous cars. Users now can count on the interface and natural language processing to generate dialogues and enjoy more intuitive and human-computer interactions in 10 general categories of use cases, including entertainment, information inquiry, chat and leisure, O2O (Online to Offline), smart home, travel/transportation, utility tools, phone instructions, personal assistant and education. This report provides an overview of Baidu's DuerOS conversational AI system and all relevant patents filed to and granted by CNIPA (China National Intellectual Property Administration), the former SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office); addresses the patent trends and strategies of Baidu by examining the company's patent distribution by field and technology.
  •  Table of Contents
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  •  List of Figures
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  •  Companies covered
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