Smart Manufacturing: A Case Study of Mitsubishi Electric (Updated 2018)
May 16, 2018 / Evelyn Chang
30 Page, Topical Report
US$1,500 (Single User License)


Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is a Japanese electronics and electrical equipment brand, which provides a wide range of products for residential, public, industrial, and military uses. Amid the trend of IoT, the company has long acknowledged that it is imperative to invest in the development of intelligence in factories. In 2003, it introduced smart manufacturing to its production process with the launch of several smart factory solutions, such as e-F@ctory and eco-F@ctory, which have become Mitsubishi Electric's key ingredients in the development of smart manufacturing. The results have been validated at Mitsubishi Electric's many factories, including its Kani Plant Nagoya Works where human-robot collaboration has been adopted. This report discusses Mitsubishi Electric's smart manufacturing developments, major businesses, and applications to explore the company's smart manufacturing endeavor.
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