Emerging AI Chip Application Trends in Smart Automotive Electronics
March 19, 2024 / Chen Pei Hsuan
16 Page, Topical Report
US$1,600 (Single User License)


The global semiconductor market in 2023 faced numerous adverse factors, including talent shortages, geopolitical risks, and rising interest rates. These challenges collectively contributed to a slowdown in market growth. However, despite these headwinds, specific segments within the semiconductor industry, particularly automotive applications, experienced notable advancements. International companies are increasingly focusing on enhancing autonomous driving capabilities and improving in-car service experiences. This progress heavily relies on AI chips that boost computational speed, which is essential for handling the extensive data processing and analysis required by future vehicles during operation. This report provides an overview of global trends in smart automotive electronics, examines how semiconductors can play a role in automotive development, and explores the development of leading AI chipmakers in smart auto electronics, including Nvidia, Qualcomm, and Tesla.  
  •  Table of Contents
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  •  Companies covered
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