Current scope of China's thin-film solar cell industry and key technology sources
Development of Chinese thin-film solar cell companies that have already started trial production, including their production capacity and technology development
Development of Chinese thin-film solar cell companies that have not yet started trial production, including their production capacity and technology development
Complete list of companies appearing in the report, including their English and Chinese names
Companies and organizations analyzed or mentioned in the report include: Air Product, Applied Materials, ASE Solar Energy, Astronergy, Best Solar, Butasoler, Central South University, China Guangdong Nuclear Energy Development, China Solar Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association, Chinese United Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing, CMI, CN Solar Technology, East China Normal University, Enfinity, ENN Solar, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, Harbin Keluola Solar Energy Electric, Illias, Intel, Jinneng Solar Cell, Johanna Solar Solutions, LDK, Nankai University, Oerlikon, PEA, Polar Photovoltaics, QS Solar, Shandong Sunvim Solar Technology, Shanghai Spruce Renewable Energy Technology, Shanghai Suntech, Shenzhen Tongchuang Weiye, Sunlin, Terra Solar, Tianjin Elec-Mech International Trade Group Equipment, Tianjin Jinneng Investment Company, Tianwei Baobian, Tianwei Solarfilms, Tongyong, Topray, Trony, Uligon, ULVAC, Uni-Solar Jinneng, United Solar Ovonic, Utrecht University, Weihai China Glass Solar, Yuanchang, Zhejiang Xianjin