LCD TV Consumer Demand in the Taiwanese Market (2007 Survey)
Consumers Surveyed
Consumers in urban areas who express their intention to purchase a 32-inch or larger LCD TV within the upcoming year. Furthermore, these consumers intend to place the LCD TV they plan to buy in the living room of their home.
The survey focused on the cities of Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung - leading economic and consumer centers in north, central, and south Taiwan respectively. In order to further improve the accuracy of the survey, consumers targeted for this survey must have a high intention to purchase a LCD TV, and must be people who can make a final decision on such a purchase.
Period in Which Survey Was Conducted
August 2006
Effective Survey Samples
The total number of effective samples was 303. In order to guarantee the accuracy of the survey results and to effectively segment different target markets, the sample ratio between Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung was 5:2:3. People younger than 30, between 31 and 40, and older than 41 each accounted for 1/3 of survey samples. Men and women accounted for 50% each.
LCD TV Consumer Demand in the Taiwanese Market (2007 Survey): Market Segment Analysis
Market Segmentation by Region
Market Segmentation by Sex
Market Segmentation by Age
Below 30
Above 40
Market Segmentation by Educational Background
High school and below
Vocational college
University and higher
Market Segmentation by Income Group
High income: average monthly household income above NT$140,001 (US$4,204.2; US$1=NT$33.3)
Upper middle class income: average monthly household income between NT$80,001 - NT$140,000 (US$2,402.4 - US$4,204.2)
Middle class income: average monthly household income below NT$80,000 (US$2,402.4)
Market Segmentation by Product Purchase Budget
High budget: above NT$60,001 (US$1,801.8)
Mid-range budget: between NT$40,001 - NT$60,000 (US$1,201.2 - US$1,801.8)
Low budget: below NT$40,001 (US$1,201.2)
Market Segmentation by Size of Planned LCD TV Purchase
LCD TV (S): planning to purchase a 32-inch LCD TV
LCD TV (M): planning to purchase a LCD TV sized between 32 and 37 inches (not including 32-inch)
LCD TV (L): planning to buy a LCD TV larger than 37 inches
LCD TV Consumer Demand in the Chinese Market (2007 Survey)
Consumers Surveyed
Consumers in urban areas - including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou - who express their intention to purchase a 27-inch or larger LCD TV within the upcoming year. Furthermore, these consumers intend to place the LCD TV they plan to buy in the living room of their home.
Period in Which Survey Was Conducted
August-September 2006
Effective Survey Samples
The total number of effective samples was 920. In order to guarantee the accuracy of the survey results and to effectively segment different target markets, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou all had approximately 300 effective samples; people younger than 30, between 31 and 40, and older than 41 each accounted over 30% of effective samples; men and women accounted for 50% each.
LCD TV Consumer Demand in the Chinese Market (2007 Survey): Market Segment Analysis
Market Segmentation by Region
China:urban areas including the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou
Beijing: a major city in the north of China
Shanghai: a major city in central China
Guangzhou:a major city in the south of China
Market Segmentation by Sex
Market Segmentation by Age
Below 30
Between 31 and 40
41 and above
Market Segmentation by Educational Background
Secondary school and below
Vocational college
Undergraduate studies and above
Market Segmentation by Income Group
High income: average monthly household income above 9,000 RMB (US$1,167.3; US$1=7.71RMB)
Upper middle class income: average monthly household income between 6,000 RMB - 8,999 RMB (US$778.2 - US$1,167.3)
Middle class income: average monthly household income between 3,500 RMB - 5,999 RMB (US$454.0 - US$778.2)]
Market Segmentation by Product Purchase Budget
high budget: above 15,000 RMB (US$1,945.5)
mid-range budget: between 10,000 RMB - 14,999 RMB (US$1,297.0 - US$1,945.5)
low budget: below 9,999 RMB (US$1,297.0)
Market Segmentation by Size of Planned LCD TV Purchase
LCD TV (P): between 27-30 inches (including 30-inch)
LCD TV (S): 32-inch
LCD TV (M): between 32 and 37 inches (not including 32-inch)
LCD TV (L): above 37-inch (not including 37-inch)
Notes on Similar MIC Surveys Conducted in Previous Years
Chinese Market (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)
2006 survey targeted consumers planning to purchase a 27-inch or larger LCD TV in the upcoming 12 months and with average monthly household incomes of 3,500 RMB (US$454.0) and higher
2005 survey targeted consumers planning to purchase a 27-inch or larger LCD TV in the upcoming 12 months and with average monthly household incomes of 5,000 RMB (US$648.5) and higher
Taiwanese Market (Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung)
2006 survey targeted consumers planning to purchase a 32-inch or larger LCD TV in the upcoming 12 months
2005 survey targeted consumers planning to purchase a 27-inch or larger LCD TV in the upcoming 12 months
Note on MIC Survey Data Used in This Report
This report examines results of surveys conducted by MIC(Market Intelligence Center). In consideration of target market segments, several quotas were used for the survey samples in order to achieve an optimal analysis. Therefore, the sample distribution is not a reflection of actual population statistics. When analyzing material included in this report, please note the source of information and the date of that information. The number of samples belonging to certain market segments does not reach 30, and therefore do not constitute comprehensive statistics; this particular data is provided for your reference only.
List of Companies
Acer |
宏碁 |
Amoi |
夏新 |
冠捷 |
Asus |
華碩 |
BenQ |
明碁 |
Changhong |
長虹 |
Chimei |
奇美 |
Haier |
海爾 |
Hisense |
海信 |
Hitachi |
Kolin |
歌林 |
Konka |
康佳 |
Lenovo |
聯想 |
LG |
Olevia |
Panasonic |
Philips |
Polyvision |
Prima |
廈華 |
Proton |
Sampo |
Samsung |
Sharp |
Shinco |
Skyworth |
創維 |
Sony |
廣電 |
Tatung |
大同 |
Teco |
Toshiba |
Viewsonic |