Strategic Standoff: AUO, CMO's LCD TV Panel Businesses
May 18, 2006 / Nancy Wang
18 Page, Topical Report
US$1,620 (Single User License)


The trends towards flat, larger-sized, and low-priced TV sets, combined with the introduction of digital TV, have speeded up the growth in demand for replacement of CRT TV sets by LCD TV sets. Responding to this change in market demand, LCD panel makers have been expanding aggressively into the LCD TV panel business; in terms of the volume of panel shipped, LCD TV now constitutes a more important application for large-size panel than either notebook PCs or PC monitors. At present, the Taiwanese panel makers with the highest LCD TV panel shipment volume are CMO and AUO. In 2005, these two companies accounted for more than 80% of the total shipment volume of the Taiwanese LCD TV panel industry. This report will present an in-depth comparison of the competitive strategies adopted by CMO and AUO in the LCD TV panel business.
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