Chinese Consumers' LCD TV Purchase Decision-making Process, 2007
June 13, 2007 / Abel Wang
10 Page, Topical Report
US$600 (Single User License)


In terms of the media and advertisement channels used to gather LCD TV information, "introductions from store employees" accounted for the largest percentage among respondents in Beijing, while "TV advertisement" in Shanghai, and "the Internet" in Guangzhou and among most respondents aged below 30. Dazhong", "Yongle", and "Gome" are the main sales channels that respondents in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou used to purchase LCD TVs. Respondents in Beijing and Shanghai both placed higher emphasis on "high image quality", and Guangzhou respondents focused more on "low breakdown rate / long lifespan". Most Chinese respondents are concerned about not being able to replace a flawed LCD TV for a new one.
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