The Worldwide Motherboard Industry, 3Q 2012
October 19, 2012 / Emily Chang
41 Page, Statistics Report
US$2,100 (Single User License)


This research report presents industry size and value forecast and recent quarter review of the worldwide motherboard industry. The report includes shipment volume and value, shipment breakdowns by maker, ASP, and price trends. The report also examines manufacturer rankings, assembly levels, CPU connector adoption, production locations, shipment destinations, and business types, and provides assembly level breakdown for CPU types, production locations, shipment destinations, and business types. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with motherboard makers. The report finds that the worldwide motherboard industry's shipment volume and ASP inched up sequentially in the second quarter of 2012. Meanwhile, due to the changes in some manufacturers' contract orders, the worldwide motherboard manufacturer volume ranking saw a reshuffle in the second quarter. It is projected that the industry's shipment volume and value will have continued to experience sequential growth in the third quarter of 2012. Nevertheless, as Windows 8 is unlikely to drive demand for desktop PCs and motherboards in the long run, it is projected that the industry's shipment volume and value will decline sequentially in the fourth quarter of 2012.
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