Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Server System and Server Motherboard Industries, 3Q 2012
August 08, 2012 / Lucas Lee
284 Page, Statistics Report


Taiwanese server shipment volume grew 5.4% sequentially to approximately 1.15 million units in the second quarter of 2012. With the launch of the new Romley platform and the orders for existing models grinding to a halt, contract makers have yet to allocate all production capacities to new models during the transition period, resulting in a slowdown in shipment growth in the second quarter. In addition, branded vendors were overly optimistic about their shipment forecast. Affected by the obscurity of the global economy, server demand from end clients such as telecoms, governments and large companies had weakened, leading to lower-than-expected shipment performance in the second quarter. Server ASP, however, rose slightly due to the increasing price of new platform chipsets. Shipments in the third quarter are expected to remain steady as in the previous quarter, reaching around 1.19 million units for 2.8% sequential growth.
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