Computing - Server
Worldwide Server Market, 2H 2006 Forecast
September 08, 2006 / Bryan Lee
5 Page, Radar


Owing to a stable economy and continued growth of corporate IT hardware investments, the global server market experienced steady growth in 2005. However, due to global economic factors, which will dampen corporate IT hardware spending, global server shipment growth in 2006 is expected to lag behind that of 2005. Growth of the server market and of the global economy as a whole began to slow down in the first half of the year, and as oil prices are still high due to tensions in the Middle East, server vendors are resorting to price competition and rollout of new products in order to stimulate demand. This report offers analysis of the global server market in the second half of 2006.

It is expected that demand for value-line servers will remain strong in Asia and other emerging markets in the second half of 2006. Furthermore, year-end corporate spending in the United States and Europe is not expected to decline, and growth is therefore expected in the server market in the second half of the year. However, close attention should still be paid to possible adverse effects of the expected slowdown in economic growth and further increases of oil prices on consumer and corporate spending.

On the supply side, price competition and new CPU models are expected to be major growth drivers for global server shipment in the second half. However, as scale of price cuts is lower than previous years and performance improvement of new models is insufficient to stimulate large-scale replacement demand among enterprises, growth of the global server market in 2006 will lag behind that in 2005.

Shipment volume in the second half of 2006 is expected to hit 4.1 million units, up 8.09% year-on-year and 7.4% in comparison with the first half of the year. Shipment volume for the full-year 2006 is expected to grow only 10.2%.

Figure 3

Worldwide Server Market Size, 1Q 2004 - 4Q 2006

Source: MIC, September 2006


Figure 4

Worldwide Server Market Size, 2001 - 2010

Source: MIC, September 2006

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