Global IT Industry Trends Taiwan IT Industry Forecast Highlighted Topics in the Global IT Industry Conclusion
Development of the global IT market, mainly comprising of desktop PC, notebook PC, and server, and includes volume forecasts of these products for the period 2019-2023; desktop PC and notebook PC market share by brand is also included.
A look into the Taiwanese IT industry’s annual shipment performance for the period 2019-2020 and quarterly shipment performance in 2019
Three major highlighted topics in the industry: the “US-China trade war” section provides the new lists of Chinese products being hit with US tariffs and the relocation plans of major IT manufacturers’ supply chains.
The “niche application” section provides the global gaming notebook and desktop PC market volume for the period 2017-2019 and touches on brands’ game streaming platform deployment.
The “edge computing” section provides communication and PC brands’ deployment strategies and explores opportunities in potential application markets such as smart manufacturing and smart medicine.