Xiaomi's Product Strategic Planning and Its Opportunities and Challenges in the Smart TV Market
November 22, 2013 / Broadband Communications Research Team
18 Page, Topical Report
US$1,450 (Single User License)


Incorporated in 2010, Xiaomi has won itself a name in the global market with its high price-performance ratio smartphones, propelling itself to the top 20 smartphone brands. With unique operational style, sales of Xiaomi smarpthones have grown rapidly. In 2013, Xiaomi separately rolled out MiBox and MiTV, officially confirming its move into the TV market. By aping its success in smartphones to smart TVs, Xiaomi aims to gain traction in the living room and further into smart home applications. This report profiles critical success factors and core competence of Xiaomi in smartphones, examines its strategic planning for smart TVs, opportunities presented and challenges ahead.?
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