1.iPad Unveils New Era of Multimedia Tablet Devices, Affectingthe PC Market
1.1 iPad Accelerating the Global Tablet Market Growth
1.2 Netbook PC Market Share Expected to be Severely Eroded by Tablet Devices
2. Tablet Device IC Specs Similar to Smartphones in lieu of Notebook/Notebook PCs
2.1 Tablet Devices Expected to Spur Demand for GPS and NAND Flash ICs; Reduce Ethernet IC and Standard DRAM Market Share
2.2 Growing Popularity of Tablet Devices Increases Use of Touch Screen Controller IC and Sensor IC, Affects Use of Keyboard and Mouse
2.3 Demand for TFT-LCD Driver IC, Power Management IC, Wi-Fi IC on the Rise
2.4 High Overlaps between Tablet IC and Smartphone IC Suppliers
3. The Impact on the Taiwanese IC Design House Industry
3.1 Netbook PC IC Share of Total Taiwanese IC Market Remains Relatively Small
3.2 LCD Driver Suppliers Stand Higher Chance to Reap the Fruits of Tablets
3.3 Communications IC and Power IC Suppliers Stand Less Chance to Secure Brand Orders
3.4 Touch Screen Controller IC Suppliers Have Higher Chance, Worries over Limited Mass Production Experience
4. Conclusion
4.1 TheEffect of Tablet Craze on the Taiwanese IC Design House Industry Less Significant
4.2 Tablet Application IC Competition Intensifying