The Taiwanese Mobile Phone Market, 1Q 2009
March 23, 2009 / Joyce Chen
29 Page, Statistics Report
US$2,115 (Single User License)


This research report presents market size and market value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese mobile phone market. The report includes market volume, market value, ASP, market share by brand, system technology, phone type, price trend, display color count, and handset type, as well as by camera feature, Bluetooth, and entertainment functionalities. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with mobile operators and key channel players. This report finds that for the Taiwanese mobile phone market in 2008, with the exception of the first quarter, the other three quarters all posted sales declines compared with the same periods in 2007. Nevertheless, stimulated by the issuance of consumption coupons and vendors' promotion programs, Taiwanese mobile phone market shipment volume, value, and ASP are expected to experience growth in the first quarter of 2009. Overall, as the Taiwanese mobile phone market relies on replacement demand and the consumers' replacement cycle has been considerably extended, it is forecasted that the full-year market volume will decline in 2009.
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