Shift to ODM Business and Blooming 3G Networks Inspire Rollout of New Handset Solutions
March 04, 2003 / Feng Lin
6 Page, Radar


Continued expansion of 3G networks and the growing design capabilities of handset makers has formed a much riper environment for solutions suppliers than seen in 2002. Further encouraged by the rising penetration of color displays and building popularity of Java and MMS, mobile phone chipset makers have been aggressively promoting new solutions to secure first mover advantage. Illustrating this surge of interest, the 2003 3GSM World Congress offered stark contrast to that of the previous year: compared to the one solution launched in 2002, both establish and aspiring players exhibited a number of platforms during the event in 2003. This Radar examines new mobile phone platforms and application processors launched by established handset solution providers. In addition, the strategies of new entrants and opportunities arising from the Taiwanese mobile phone industry are also explored.
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