Joint Construction and Sharing of 5G Telecom Infrastructure in Asia
November 28, 2019 / Kay Chung
21 Page, Topical Report
US$1,800 (Single User License)


5G rollout requires the deployment of a large number of base stations in a high-density pattern, leading to increased construction and operating costs. If telecoms construct their base stations on their own, like what they have done in the 2G/3G/4G era, the development of 5G networks may be encumbered with problems such as high construction costs, site locations, and residents’ resistance. As a result, joint construction and sharing of 5G base stations has become increasingly important. In China, Japan, and Korea, the three countries that have taken the lead in 5G development in Asia, the governments have encouraged the joint construction and sharing of 5G infrastructure. This report outlines joint construction and sharing of 5G infrastructure led by the government, and the commercialization progress of 5G networks shared in these countries.
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  •  Companies covered


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