1. Four FTZs with Respective Missions
1.1 Shorter Negative List in 2015
1.1.1 Prudence in Liberating Service Sector
1.1.2 Considerable Opening-up in Manufacturing Sector
1.2 Four FTZs Fulfill Different Roles
2. FTZs to Pursue Reforms—Both Domestic and Foreign
2.1 Tianjin FTZ for Coordinated Regional Development & 21th Century Maritime Silk Road
2.1.1 Tianjin Port Dongjiang Area at the Core
2.1.2 Trials on Leasing Business
2.2 Guangdong FTZ Sets to Boost Investment
2.2.1 Infrastructure Construction: Early Development of Nansha Area
2.2.2 Financial Services to Hong Kong; Travel & Culture Services to Macao
2.3 Fujian FTZ Looks Beyond Cross-Strait Trade
2.3.1 Fuzhou Area Highlights Trade with Taiwan and Maritime Silk Road
2.3.2 Xiamen Area to Carry out Multiple Reforms; Pingtan Area to Focus on Taiwan Policies
3. Conclusion
Negative List is Not the Only Regulation to Comply with
Reforms in FTZs as Stress Tests
Glossary of Terms
List of Companies