Up to 52.9% of consumers in Taiwan have made purchase via OMO (Online Merge Offline) retail service model, or so-called hybrid model, according to MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute), a major government think tank and IT research institute in Taiwan. "Among which, nearly 60% of consumers are aged 18-25,” said James Chen, industry analyst with MIC who conducted one-month online survey in October 2020 with 2,500 effective samples. “Due to COVID-19 outbreak, there are 30% of consumers who used to only shop at physical stores have made purchase from these physical stores’ online platforms. In the post-COVID-19 era, the online competition is expected to be more intense as more players appear. Other than physical retailers, department stores/shopping centers, convenience store chains, and supermarket/mass and specialty stores are also seeking to develop their online platforms. They aim to use their brick-and-mortar businesses as a primary asset to advance their e-commerce.
What is your preferred shopping methods? (Single-answer Question)
Note: 2,500 effective samples were collected during October 1-31, 2020
Source: MIC, April 2021
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