Asia Express
CNNIC: China's Internet Users Exceeds 600 Million in 2013
January 20, 2014

As of December 2013, China's Internet users stood at 618 million, with 53.58 million more added over the past year, according to the report released by CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) in January 16. The Internet penetration rate reached 45.8% (urban areas: 62.0%; rural areas: 27.5%), up by 3.7 percentage points against 2012. Mobile Internet users increased 80.09 million to around 500 million, posting a 19.1% growth year on year. Mobile phone remains the mainstream device to access the mobile Internet, representing 81.0% of the mobile Internet users, up from 74.5% in 2012. 69.7% of the Internet users get online through desktop PC and 44.1% through notebook PC, down from 70.6% and 45.9%, respectively.