Asia Express
China to Provide Nationwide Broadband Coverage by 2020
August 20, 2013

China's State Council released a strategic plan for the country's broadband network deployment, setting a timetable to realize full coverage by 2020, as reported by China's International Finance News on August 19. According to the plan, broadband service coverage in administrative villages is expected to reach 95% in 2015 and 98% in 2020. The speed of broadband access in urban and rural areas will reach 50 Mbps and 12 Mbps respectively by 2020, with some residential areas in first-tier cities reaching 1 Gbps. The penetration of fixed line and 3G/LTE networks are expected to arrive at 70% and 85% respectively by 2020. China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology revealed that the overall investment in broadband deployment in China totaled around 370 billion RMB (US$60.4 billion; US$1=$6.1227 RMB) in 2012.