Foxconn unveiled its first online shopping platform in Taiwan, dubbed WOWCyber, under its retail business division CyberMart on 27 December, as reported by Taiwan's Central News Agency. The platform initially will focus on the promotion of Foxconn 60-inch TVs, Sharp's high-end Full HD (High Definition) Smartphones, and Foxconn–made Musn mobile phones. However, Sharp's IGZO-panel (Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide) Smartphones will not be available at the current stage. Foxconn estimated that the overall sales of the 60-inch TVs will exceed 20,000 units by the end of January 2013.
In related news, WOWCyber registered over 20 million page views and one million hits within half an hour of its official launch, both setting a new record in Taiwan's online shopping market, as reported by Taiwan's United Evening News.