Lenovo expects to release its tablet PC products in India within three months, the Wall Street Journal reported on September 8, 2011. Lenovo's products are now pending approval of the local government for release. Price tags for Lenovo's tablet devices sold worldwide start at US$499, and the products to be launched in India will be available at a similar price tag. Lenovo said that the company is investing in branding and campaign initiatives, aiming to gain 15% to 17% market share in India.
In related news, Best IT World (India), a computer peripherals manufacturer in India, released a tablet PC device running on Android OS on September 8, 2011, according to the same source. The 7-inch tablet product carries a price tag of 13,995 rupees (US$302; US$1=46.4 rupees). It is reported that two other companies have unveiled value-line tablet PCs in India as well, including Beetel Teletech, which sold its tablet PC for 9,999 rupees (US$215), and Reliance Communications, for US$286.