Indian telecom operator BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) on December 20 opened a new IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) plant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh of India, the Hindu reported on December 21. Moreover, the AP circle is expected to launch FTTH (Fiber To The Home) service, whereby users can enjoy higher bandwidth connectivity and improved WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) service, according to the same source. FTTH service will be available in Hyderabad in three months and later in Visakhapatnam, and 500 subscribers so far had applied for the service. Further details regarding the number of channels, tariff, and other IPTV-related information were provided in a pamphlet distributed at a press conference. A service package priced at 280 Rupees (US$6.21; US$1= 45.1 Rupees) will include 121 channels and several entertainment and news channels, as well as 7-day auto recording of designated channels. During the promotion period, users who subscribe to the service plan priced at 2,250 Rupees (US$49.9) will receive a 1,000 Rupees (US$22.2) discount and a reduction in installation charges by 1,000 Rupee (US$22.2). To date, Visakhapatnam district has 1.07 lakh landline, 9,160 WLL (Wireless Local Loop) connection, 2.40 lakh mobile connections and 31,000 broadband connections, according again to the Hindu.
Meanwhile, the number of IPTV subscribers in Korea topped three million as of December 17, the Joongang Daily reported on December 20. The full-scale IPTV service was rolled out in January 2009 in Korea, breaking one million mark nine months after the rollout, while another one million subscribers were added in the following six months, according to the same source.