Indian telecom operator Reliance Communications announced the launch of 3G mobile services on December 13, 2010 in four out of 22 Indian telecom circles, according to the Wall Street Journal. It is reported that the four areas are Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, and Kolkata. Reliance earmarked 85.9 billion Rupees (US$1.9 billion; US$1 = 45.4 Rupees) for spectrum in 13 circles in May 2010, and the company plans to launch the 3G mobile services in all the 13 areas by the end of this fiscal year.
Meanwhile, Tata DoCoMo launched its 3G mobile services in November this year, and another Indian mobile operator Bharti Airtel is projected to launch 3G services at the end of December 2010, while Vodafone Essar is expected to deliver the 3G services in the first quarter of 2011.