Asia Express
China Telecom Launches Cross-platform Shared Video Services
November 12, 2010
China Telecom recently launched a new shared video service, dubbed the Yi Shi Tong, whereby users can watch high-quality video content and switch seamlessly across PC, mobile, and TV platforms through its Shanghai video base, the Sina Tech News reported on November 10. Additionally, China Telecom stated that the company will also collaborate with Tri-Sun Electronic Technology, IGRS (Intelligent Grouping and Resources Sharing) Working Group, and the Shanghai municipal government to establish a joint venture to operate the service. The JV will be initially capitalized at 100 million RMB (US$15.2 million; US$1 = 6.6 RMB), according to the same source. Under the agreement, Tri-Sun will be in charge of providing an integrated communications platform, the IGRS will draft standards, and China Telecom will provide network infrastructure and video content services. TV sets will have to be internet-connected TV models and comply with standards set by the IGRS in order to access the service. IGRS stated that over 20 terminals have supported IGRS standards so far and that standards are open to use by any terminal manufacturers.