Display announced on July 27, 2010 that the company plans to earmark one trillion
Won (US$844 million; US$1=1,191 Won) for expanding its IPS (In-Plane Switching)
based LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module production at its plant located in
Gumi, Korea, by 2012, according to the Yonhap News of Korea. LG Display also said
on July 22, 2010 that the company is going to invest 618 billion Won (US$514
million) to construct a new LCD plant for small- and medium-sized mobile LCD panel
production at Paju, Korea.
Hai Precision's subsidiary, Chimei Innolux is reported to have signed licensing
agreement on IPS technology with Hitachi in early July, and it is projected
that the firm's 5G plant will be used to mainly produce IPS LCD panels,
according to a July 28, 2010 report by the Commercial Times of Taiwan.
Display and Chimei Innolux are both suppliers of LCD display screens to Apple's
iPad and iPhone. It is expected that the two companies' move for boosting LCD
output is aimed at tapping the rising demand for Apple iPad.