Asia Express
KDDI to Lower Stake in JCOM to 31.1%; to Buy Two US MVNOs
February 12, 2010
Following Japan's Financial Service Agency's probe to KDDI's planned purchase of Jupiter Telecommunications, or JCOM, a Japan-based cable TV operator, Japanese telecom operator KDDI announced on February 12 that the company has modified the agreement signed with Liberty Global, Dow Jones reported on February 12. Under the agreement, KDDI will lower its stake in JCOM to 31.1% instead of 37.8% as originally planned, while the investment will be valued at $361.7 billion Yen (US$4 billion; US$1 = 90.3 Yen), slightly below an earlier projection. The transaction is slated for completion on February 19.


Meanwhile, KDDI announced on February 9 that the company will acquire a 51% stake in each of two US-based MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) through its local subsidiary in the United States, with an aim to boost market presence in the region, Nikkei reported on February 9. Two MVNOs will become KDDI's subsidiaries around early March 2010, including Locus Telecom, headquartered in New Jersey, mainly serving immigrants from Mexico and Korea, and California-based Total Call Mobile.