Asia Express
Korean Chipmakers to Pour Huge Funds into Memory Chips by 2012
November 06, 2009
In a meeting with the Korean Minister of Knowledge Economy, several members of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association, including Samsung and Hynix, revealed their plans to jointly invest into memory chip facilities and equipment over the next three years, the Chosun Ilbo News reported on November 2. The combined investment is expected to value at a total of 22 trillion Won (US$18.7 billion; US$1 = 1175.5 Won) by 2012, with seven trillion Won (US$5.95 billion) allocated for 2010.

As for individual companies' 2010 plans, Samsung announced on October 30 that the company will inject over 5.5 trillion Won (US$4.68 billion) in memory chips and three trillion won (US$2.55 billion) in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) business, Reuters reported on October 30. Further details, however, were not yet disclosed. Meanwhile, Hynix also stated that the company will earmark at least 1.5 trillion Won (US$1.28 billion) for the memory chip facilities in 2010. In 2009, Hynix already invested one trillion Won (US$850.7 million), according again to the Chosun Ilbo. The names of the other members of the association involved in this huge investment were not yet disclosed though.