Asia Express
WiMAX Development in Asia July 27 - August 2
July 31, 2009
Indonesia's Ministry of Information and Communication announced the winners of WiMAX operating licenses on July 31, according to The Jakarta Post. Eight companies in all were awarded the licenses, including PT Telkom, PT Indosat Mega Media, PT Internux, PT First Media, PT Jasnita Telekomindo, PT Berca Hardayaperkasa, PT Rahajasa Media Internet, and a consortium of PT Comtronics Systems and PT Adiwarta Perdania. Auctions for the operating licenses began in April this year, and the reserve prices were settled later in early June. Of the 15 Indonesian WiMAX zones, operating licenses for Greater Jakarta and Banten require the highest reserve prices, while the lowest prices are for Papua and Maluku. Two operators at most are allowed for WiMAX operations in each zone. The Ministry of Information and Communication projects that WiMAX infrastructure in Indonesia will be established between 2010 and 2011, according to the Jakarta Post report.