China's TCL Leads Off LCD TV Production in Chengdu
July 31, 2009
Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer TCL
led off LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TV production at its Chengdu plant in
Sichuan Province on July 29, Sina News reported. In the initial phase of the
project, TCL has spent around 50 million RMB (US$7.4 million; US$1=6.8 RMB) to
60 million RMB (US$8.8 million) on setting up two production lines in the Chengdu
plant. A total output of 300,000 LCD TVs is projected for the second half of
2009, and the overall production capacity is expected to reach 1.4 million
units in 2010. Aside from the Chengdu plant, TCL also has two other LCD
manufacturing facilities in China, located in Huizhou and Wuxi, respectively.