Asia Express
KDDI to Acquire Tepco's Cable TV Operations
December 19, 2008
Japanese telecom operators KDDI announced its plan to buy the cable TV business of Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power) through its cable TV unit, Japan Cablenet, Reuters reported on December 17, adding that the deal is valued at about 20 billion Yen (US$224.6 million; US$1 = 89.0 Yen).

Tepco's cable TV business include Tepco Cable and Kawagoe Cablevision, which are based in Saitama Prefecture, adjacent to Tokyo. Through the acquisition, the customer base of Japan Cablenet is expected to increase to about 730,000 households. Asides from the KDDI-Tepco deal, Japanese cable TV providers Jupiter and Mediatti also announced last week that they would teamed up to jointly boost market presence in Japan, according to the same source.