Asia Express
PMC-Sierra Completes 10Gbps EPON Demonstration
June 27, 2008
At the OptiNet China Conference 2008, held between May 28-29 in Beijing, California-based broadband communications and storage chip provider PMC-Sierra announced that it has successfully completed the demonstration of 10Gbps IEEE 802.3av EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network), according to the company's press release.

PMC-Sierra's demonstration is based on the company's complete 10Gbps EPON reference designs, incorporating the PAS8001 and PAS9001 for 10G OLTs (Optical Line Terminals) and ONUs (Optical Network Units), respectively. PMC-Sierra's 10Gbps EPON system is projected to facilitate the deployment of triple play services and next-generation FTTB (Fiber To The Building) solutions at considerably reduced costs, according to the press release.