Asia Express
Taiwan's MSI Develops Ultra Low-Cost Notebook PC Based on Intel Diamondville Processor
February 29, 2008
Taiwanese motherboard and notebook PC maker MSI (Micro-Star International) is currently developing an ultra low-cost notebook PC based on Intel's new Diamondville processor which will be debuted at the IDF (Intel Developer Forum) Shanghai, to be held from April 2 to 3, 2008, Sina News reported.

Aiming to compete with Asus's Eee PCs, MIS' ultra low-cost notebook PCs are slated for commercialization in the second half of 2008, according to the same report. With a price tag estimated at around US$200, MSI's Diamondville-based notebook PC is reportedly capable of saving power consumption by 15% if operating under the Turbo battery mode. The MSI notebook PCs running on the Santa Rosa platform are priced between US$200 and US$250. Further details regarding the new notebook PC were not yet disclosed.

Prior to its notebook PC model, MIS is expected to debut an ultra low-cost desktop PC at the CeBIT Expo held from March 4 to 9, 2008, in Hanover, Germany. The desktop model is scheduled to hit the market in the third quarter of 2008.