Asia Express
Tata to Expand Undersea Cable Networks
February 16, 2008
Tata Communications, formerly known as VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd) recently announced that it will invest about US$2 billion during the next three years, with approximately half of the amount going to the expansion plans for undersea cable and WiMAX networks and the other half going to other Tata businesses, The Hindu Business Line reported. No further details were specified, though.

The expansion plans were revealed soon after the conglomerate Tata group announced that it will consolidate all its brand names - VSNL, VSNL International, Teleglobal, TIBEU (Tata Indicom Enterprise Buiness Unit), and Cipris - into one under the brand of Tata Communications, India's Sify reported.

According to the report by The Hindu Business Line, the company is currently constructing additional undersea cable lines connecting Asia, the Middle East, and Africa through the company's undersea cable arm, Tata Global Network, in a bid to meet the customer demand for broadband worldwide for the next five to eight years.