Asia Express
Phone-to-phone VoIP Services to Be Available along China-Vietnam Border
January 04, 2008
In the wake of its PC-to-PC and PC-to-phone services, Vietnam's MOIC (Ministry of Information and Communications) recently announced that it will enable operators to deliver phone-to-phone VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services along the China-Vietnam boarder in 2008, according to Xinhua News.

Projected to considerably reduce the cost for voice calls, the phone-to-phone services will be available for both Vietnamese and Chinese residents and are expected to boost VoIP demand in the respective countries. By means of Vietnamese SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards, Chinese phone users can access the service using their own mobile phones while traveling in Vietnam.

There are currently over one million phone subscribers in seven Vietnamese border provinces, according to the same source. In addition, wireless fixed phone services are also available in the country, posing an accessible option less costly than mobile phone services.