Asia Express
Taiwan's Institute for Information Industry, AWS, and Local Partners Cooperate for Telemedicine Services
July 13, 2020

The Institute for Information Industry (III) recently announced that it will join hands with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and some local partners such as Leadtek, Community Medicine Research Center of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Keelung) to form a national-level telehealth alliance, the Commercial Daily News reported on July 13. Under the guidance of Taiwan’s IDB (Industrial Development Bureau) of MoEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs), the alliance strives to create a smart healthcare industry ecosystem in advance to provide efficient solutions in case of a medical and pandemic urgency in the future. Under the cooperation, a telemedicine monitoring system integrated with IoT (Internet of Things) and AI detection system will be established to help Taiwan build a solid ground for telemedicine while providing a complete O2O (Online to Offline) medical ecosystem. MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute), part of III and a government think tank and IT research institute in Taiwan, expects 5G market value in the healthcare sector to reach US$17.99 billion by 2026. Applications most likely to adopt 5G include telemedicine such as remote consultation and remote biometrics, private healthcare networks, 5G ambulances, and mobile rescue equipment for military operations.