Apple recently announced that the company will increase its production capacity for iPhones in India by extending its assembly lines in India to midrange phones, the Sina Tech News reported on December 24. Apple has used India as an export hub and has begun to assemble its midrange XR phones in India last month through the cooperation with contract manufacturer Foxconn, in addition to entry-level models such as the iPhone SE and 6S. It is expected more iPhones will be “designed in California” and “assembled in India” and these phones will be mainly sold in India before outbound shipments. In India, Apple’s share in the smartphone market is about 1.1% but its share in the high-end smartphone market (over 30,000 Rupees) tops about 30%. Another Taiwanese contract manufacturer Wistron also assembles order version of iPhones in India. Meanwhile, Singapore’s Flex and Finland’s Salcomp offer chargers for iPhones and Salcomp reportedly will invest 20 billion Rupees (US$ 280 million) into a Nokia’s phone facility located in Chennai that it acquired recently over the next five years.