Largan recently announced that the company is poised to withdraw from the automotive lens market and consolidate its dominance in the smartphone market instead, the United Daily News reported on July 17. The company aims to concentrate its resources on mobile phone lenses, especially high-end 100 million pixels or 108MP lenses, and will not take any new orders. Largan started to invest in automotive lenses since 2013 in anticipation of the 500 million demand from 16 million vehicles. While the "return on investment" of automotive lenses is low. the price of one 48MP smartphone lens is higher than that of five 16MP smartphone lenses in total. Therefore, the company has decided to focus its resources on high-end mobile phone lenses instead and fade out from the automotive lens production. With its market dominate position, Largan has been able to launch a 7P periscope lens module and has begun to develop an 8P lens module which is an eight plastic lens piece and is slated for launch in 2020. Upon Largan’s withdrawal, Asia Optical, Calin, and Kinko Optical will be benefited by taking over Largan’s customers in the automotive lens sector such as Tesla.